Summa sidvisningar

fredag 21 juni 2013

Glad Midsommar!!! Happy Midsummer 2013!!

Idag är det midsommarafton.  Vädret är hittills hyfsat, men det har förutspåtts regn och åska av och till...
Naturligtvis lite firande här (tack och lov för uterummet) med sill, potatis, snaps och jordgubbar!!!
Någon midsommarstång blir det dock inte.

                    STALL ÄLVASJÖ önskar ALLA VÄNNER och BLOGLÄSARE  

                             EN RIKTIGT GLAD MIDSOMMAR !!!!!!

Today it is Midsummer in Sweden. This is a very important public holiday in this country. We celebrate it with typical food - herring, new, small  potatoes, sour cream, chives and beer and schnapps and after that strawberries in different shapes.

In the afternoon or early evening we also make maypoles and dance around them. A very famous and special dance is "The little frogs" when all the dancers pretend to imitate frogs :):):)
Many people have traditional dresses from their native home district.

In Älvasjö some friends will come and we will eat and drink in the traditional way. But we will not create any maypole!
The weather has so far been ok but it is risk for rain and thunder later on this afternoo. So I am very happy over my outroom of glass - just like sitting outside ...


                          A VERY NICE AND HAPPY   MIDSUMMER!!!!!

Dancing Little frogs around the Maypole

Traditional costumes

The food


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